DrawBo — A Robotic Drawing Tutor

4 min readNov 9, 2020

A personalized Drawing Robot for your kids to engage them into playful learning

A DrawBo kid is Happy kid

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Every child is born creative,and as a devoted parent, you want to keep this creative streak glowing and growing in your kid.You know that drawing is a skill that can significantly help your child’s artistic, intellectual, and cognitive development, but finding a drawing tutor offering personalized drawing lessons in alignment with your (and your kid’s) schedule seems a daunting task.

If you’re a parent who has ever wished for a patient and dedicated drawing teacher for your child, it is time to celebrate, for your wish has come true — in the form of DrawBo.

What is DrawBo?

DrawBo is an intuitive, AI-powered, personalized robot-drawing teacher ready to teach kids to draw a picture they choose from the DrawBo mobile Application’s Image gallery. They can learn as many times as they want, at anytime from the convenience of their homes.


DrawBo solves all your apprehensions about the risk of your child attending group classes, commuting to the course, and the hassle of juggling schedules.

Why DrawBo now?

Today’s children are the worst affected by the global pandemic — physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially.

Schools and day-care centers are closed. Access to public playgrounds and recreation places is highly restricted, leaving the kids distraught and confined indoors, at the mercy of their laptops,television, and other electronic gadgets.Such an alarming increase in screen-time does not augur well for their health.

They need to break away from boredom and involve themselves in a creative activity such as drawing.Scientific studies have consistently proved that drawing nurtures creativity and provides therapeutic healing in children of all ages.

Dr. Charlotte Reznick, a child educational psychologist and an associate clinical professor of psychology at UCLA, says in her new book,

“Studies show that it (art) creates brain wave patterns that enhance the autonomic nervous system, hormonal balance, and brain neurotransmitters. While doing artistic expressive art, the body’s physiology shifts from stressed to serene.”

Drawing offers several benefits — it aids cognitive development, develops fine motor skills, improves language skills, and helps understand spatial reasoning and problem-solving.

Most importantly, artistic expression can relieve stress in children during these challenging times.

How does DrawBo teach kids to draw?

DrawBo uses Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning algorithms to split the image into simplified lines and curves.The robot then proceeds to draw the picture in several simple steps.

This is how DrawBo does it, by splitting Drawing into Steps

Your child needs to copy the pattern in their notebook with a pencil. DrawBo pauses in between steps before moving on to the next.

Since DrawBo has an AI-powered intuitive ability, it decides the pause-duration, depending on the previous step’s complexity. However, you also can manually set up a pause-interval according to the learner’s age and skill level.

How do I set up DrawBo?

Setting up DrawBo is easy — If you have a smooth vertical platform such as a whiteboard, a plug point, and a coloring pen, you only need to download the DrawBo App on your phone to get going!

Installation Steps

Now, DrawBo is ready to teach you to draw.

See how wonderfully DrawBo is teaching kids to draw house

What is unique about the DrawBo drawing tutor robot?

DrawBo is a palm-sized, artificially intelligent robot that can nurture creativity in children and improve their focus. DrawBo also helps keep your kids away from the television and computer, reducing their screen-time.

With thousands of images in the Image Gallery of its App, DrawBo offers an immense collection of pictures to draw.The images are scientifically classified into three levelsEasy, Medium, and Advanced — which makes it easy to choose the image according to the child’s age and skill level.

DrawBo is sleek, portable, and easy to install. It can instruct patiently for hours with no over-heating and requires minimal parental supervision. DrawBo does not need batteries.

DrawBo, is the brainchild of several years of brainstorming binges, relentless research, and numerous trials.

DrawBo — Creative Inspiration from Intelligent Automation


